Exhibition view, ‘This Formless Thing’, Kunstmuseum Winterthur, 2013
324 slides, 4 carousel slide projectors, synchronizer
exhibition view, ‘Living Document — Naked Reality’, ICA Philadelphia, 2012
The slides are reproductions of nitrate film stills documented and selected from Kodak Tinting and Toning guides (1916–1927), found in archives in Holland, UK, Italy and the US. The film stills in the guides have all changed differently due to the transience of the nitrate and depending on their storage conditions over the last 80–100 years, resulting in various versions of the same motives. All the selected motives show landscapes.
publication published by Roma Publications Amsterdam
with texts by Natasha Ginwala, Esther Leslie, Mirjam Varadinis, Matthew Solomon, Simona Ciuccio and Jelena Rakin (Kunstmuseum Winterthur & SMBA Amsterdam)
162 slides, 2 caroussel slide projectors, 2 faders
The images for the slide-projection installation stem from the American industry magazine Modern Plastics (1930–1970). In the installation the found images are ordered into two groups, one consisting of hands showing new plastic commodities and the other one of hands manipulating the new synthetic materials.